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Clacton Polling

h1>How Brexit Party founder Nigel Farage is predicted to fare in Clacton constituency

The latest poll forecasts ahead of the upcoming Clacton by-election

Nigel Farage, the founder of the Brexit Party, is predicted to win the upcoming by-election in Clacton, Essex, according to a recent poll conducted by Survation.

The poll, which was conducted via telephone interviews with Clacton residents, found that Farage is currently polling at 42%, with the Conservative Party candidate in second place on 35% and the Labour Party candidate in third place on 15%. This puts Farage in a strong position to win the seat, which has been held by the Conservative Party since 2010.

The poll also found that Farage is the most popular candidate among Leave voters, with 58% of those who voted to leave the European Union in 2016 saying they would vote for him. This is in contrast to the Conservative Party candidate, who is only polling at 22% among Leave voters.

The Clacton by-election is due to be held on October 17, 2019. If Farage wins, it will be the first time that the Brexit Party has won a seat in the House of Commons.
